Monday, February 2, 2015

Suzuki, fluting, and teaching!

In the last few years I have been really enjoying playing my flute. When I began to play again after quite a few busy years away from it, I realized I was going to need a new flute if I was going to make any progress at all. That led to an exciting adventure, with lots of research, phone calls, and travelling. We ended up visiting a fine flute dealer in Seattle. 

With Courtney Westcotts help, I was able to pick out a fine flute that is perfect for me. Since flute playing is in many ways an extension of the human voice, it's very important that flutists choose a flute that is well adapted to his/her own personal physical attributes and bodies. There is no brand of flute that would work for everyone. You have to try them out and see which works best for you, in creating the desired sound that you want. I was thrilled to be gaining this education in choosing flutes. And I LOVE my Altus-- which is what I selected.

Since my children have been taking Suzuki piano, I have gained a deep love and appreciation for the Suzuki method of learning. It's a method that believes "Every child Can." Every child can learn and excel, and be the best. With the right education and training, every child, even those with seemingly no natural musical ability-- can indeed learn to be musical. In fact it's often called Talent Education-- because all children can be talented!

Since I've been learning and growing in my own flute playing I've been eager to learn all the flute pedagogy that I can. It's fascinating to me. When I was younger-- before I had kids, I had some random flute students along the way. I didn't really have the tools to help them be successful. In fact, even my teachers didn't have the tools to help me be successful. I was finding so many obstacles in my own playing that my teachers were not helping me overcome and it was frustrating! (while it might work for some students for the teacher to say: "OK, now play that with vibrato!", it didn't work for me. I needed to know what was happening with the body and how to control it. I couldn't just "do it" because someone told me too! I needed tools)

In 2012 I began taking some flute lessons from a teacher via Skype. This was the first teacher that had some tools to help me (I’d had 6 teachers before this), and I know I improved a lot with her help. But... then my life totally changed and I began a new pregnancy/baby journey with Bethany! My fluting was on hold!

In the fall of 2014, I finally found the Suzuki teacher I had been looking for. Someone who can help me become my best, and someone to teach me flute pedagogy, -- so that I can be the best teacher in the area, and provide the tools so that everyone I teach can excel at flute, and have fun in the process! Since I'm loving this education so much, I have decided to begin down the road to being a Suzuki Registered teacher! I'm so excited! (It may take some time since I'm a Suzuki Mom to 3 kids, homeschooling them, and taking care of a baby! There are auditions to prepare and classes to take). 

The only thing I am lacking right now, are some flute students. I realize that I am quite far from any real populations that might contain students, but I believe that it will be worth anyone's drive to bring their children to me for flute lessons. I believe I can teach children as young as 4 and up, in a way that will set them in the right direction for a lifetime of flute enjoyment.

Look for a web site coming soon, with studio requirements and other helpful flute information!


  1. I wish you God's blessings for this challenge!

    1. Thank you Annelies :) Maybe we'll see you in April.

  2. I wish you could teach Petra, that would be so nice :-)

    1. That would be amazing!! Maybe I can give her a lesson in April :) I want Tony to write some simple duets for two learning flutes-- Genna and Petra could play together!

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